Wellness from Within…
Welcome to the Harmonic Egg Centre in South Surrey

The Harmonic Egg is an Advance Energy Medicine Technology that combines the science of bio resonance with the ancient wisdom of sacred geometry. This integrative energy therapy utilizes light, color, sound, frequency, and vibration to activate the body’s natural ability to balance and restore itself.

Energy medicine therapies have been used since ancient times and they all operate based upon the theory that illness is the result of blockages or imbalances in the body’s life energy. These healing techniques work to unblock or rebalance that life energy.

The Harmonic Egg uses frequencies and vibration emanating from music and light that guides a person towards a state of supreme relaxation creating coherent wavelengths in the brain like the effects of meditation.

Reclining in a zero-gravity chair within the wooden chamber, a person is enveloped in highly resonant music and colored light which we can be customized based upon the type of healing that the client desires to achieve.

Colour and Light therapy are so effective because they work at the speed of light comparing to the speed of life.

Our purpose is to offer tools that can align you with your higher self, so you can live an optimal life filled with health, zest, and joy!

Benefits of the Harmonic Egg

        • Improves physical and emotional well-being
        • Reduces anxiety, depression, and stress
        • Supports autonomic nervous system
        • Enhances immune system
        • Supports detoxification
        • Balances adrenals
        • Improves sleep
        • Alleviates injuries and pain
        • Assists with illnesses and disease
        • Improves mental clarity and focus
        • Spiritual healing
        • Balances the chakras and auric field
        • Activate higher states of consciousness
        • Repeatable process
        • Natural and non-invasive
        • Safe for any age
        • Community and support


    • SINGLE Session – $120 plus GST
    • REMOTE Session – $75 plus GST
      (long distance healings are available by using a photo of the person)
    • PACKAGE A – Includes 3 sessions $276 plus GST
      ($92 each session saves $28 from regular price $120)
    • PACKAGE B – Includes 6 sessions $510
      ($85 each session saves $35 from regular price $120)
    • PACKAGE C – Includes 10 sessions $780
      ($78 each session saves $42 from regular price $120)
    • MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP – $140 plus GST and includes 2 Egg sessions per month ($70.00 each session). The Harmonic Egg educational book.Note: The sessions cannot be moved over to the following month and the membership requires a minimum of six months commitment.
purchase session

Frequently Asked Question :

How long is the session?

The Harmonic Egg Session is 50 minutes long, forty minutes of light and sound therapy and the last 10 minutes are pure silence. Before going into the Egg, we will discuss what protocols to customize that will fit your intentions and after your session is done, we will go over your experience.

Is the Egg safe for any age?

Absolutely! The Harmonic Egg is a non-invasive advanced energy medicine technology that uses sacred geometry, light, sound, and vibration to restore balance in the body allowing it to get into instant restoring mode. The Harmonic Egg does not interfere with any medical treatments as it works at a vibrational level.

NOTE: The Harmonic Egg does not replace any medical advice. Always make sure to check with your doctor first!

How do I book a session?

Email us at [email protected] or call us at 604-512-4903. At the time of your booking, we will email you the forms that you will need to fill out before your session.

How often can I do the Egg?

It is recommended to have at least 7 to 10 days in between sessions for integration.
Depending on your personal case you may need to come more, or less often. We will discuss that in person on your first visit.

What should I wear?

You can wear comfortable clothes, but really anything works. Bring a sweater as when we relaxed we tend to get chilli. You will be sitting on a zero-gravity chair which positions your body to make you feel weightless, stress free, and energized. This works by elevating your feet to be at the same level as your heart.

What if I live far away?

Remote Healing Sessions are available. We will need you to email us at [email protected] a medium size picture of your waist up that will go inside the egg and we will connect energetically. Energy travels any distance with no limitation! There has been many powerful experiences with remote healing sessions.

How do I pay?

You can pay in our website in advance before coming to your session, or at the time of your session as we have a square terminal, or via e-transfer in advance before coming to your session at [email protected], And if you prefer to pay cash, please bring exact change.