What is Light?
The main source of life
The main source of energy It has been scientifically and medically proven that many diseases and mental disorders are caused by the lack of light. Today we spend almost 90% of our time indoors, without natural light. This is highly risky for our health and is the known cause of multiple diseases. Light is essential to keep healthy and to prevent diseases.
The main source of life
But there is more to BIOPTRON Light
It activates cell growth
It improves the body’s defense system
It stimulates the whole body’s healing processes
What it treats?
Dermatological Disorders and Skin Problems
Sports Injuries
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Chakra Balancing
BIOPTRON light is a unique, optimized, patented combination of light features in the visible and infrared part of the light spectrum, which bio-stimulates cells and accelerates the healing process of a broad range of medical conditions. Its wavelengths deeply penetrate tissues, initiating positive changes at a cellular level. Light is absorbed by living tissues increasing the level of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which improves cell metabolism.
how it works?
micro-circulation and cell biostimulation
Reinforces the body’s defence system
Stimulates regenerative and reparative processes
Speeds up wound healing
Relieves pain or decreases its intensity
Biostimulative effects of BIOPTRON light are the result of synergy between different mechanisms of action:
BIOPTRON light accelerates the whole body’s healing processes. Its bio-stimulating effect on body tissues and organs keeps us healthy by improving microcirculation and cell bio-stimulation.
Millions of people from around the world are turning to BIOPTRON for a non-invasive cosmetic light therapy procedure to enjoy a more youthful appearance. The Swiss-made BIOPTRON has been voted the number one Anti-Aging device at the Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine European Congress in Paris.
Several international medical experts have presented the effects of BIOPTRON light therapy in Anti-Aging conferences in London, Paris, Monte-Carlo, Warsaw, and Bucharest demonstrating that BIOPTRON’s penetrating polarized light is clinically proven to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, elasticity, and uneven skin tone – resulting in healthy, youthful skin.
Clinical research has demonstrated that BIOPTRON has a positive stimulating effect on specific cells in the skin known as fibroblasts, which results in the production of collagen and elastin. Safe and non-invasive treatment with BIOPTRON for only ten minutes per day reduces wrinkles, without any side effects.
Bioptron light therapy for pain relief
Clinically tested, proven & certified for the medical treatment of pain in children and adults.
The therapy has strong analgesic effects promoting rapid and long-lasting pain relief.
The BIOPTRON light therapy relieves pain effectively by improving blood supply, relieving muscle spasm and reducing pain signs. BIOPTRON is successfully used for pain-relief in rheumatology, physiotherapy and sports medicine.
Bioptron light therapy for wound healing
Clinically tested, proven & certified for the medical treatment of wound healing in children and adults.
BIOPTRON heals wounds better and up to twice as fast, reduces pain, discomfort and scars.
BIOPTRON is successfully used in:
- Home injuries like burns and wounds
- Chronic wounds like leg ulcers, pressure sores and diabetic foot ulcers
Skin problems
BIOPTRON is clinically proven & certified for the medical treatment of dermatological disorders and skin problems in adults and children. In particular, the light therapy penetrates deep into the skin with equal doses of blue and red light, targeting and destroying bacteria that cause acne flare-ups. BIOPTRON has been reported to be beneficial in the improvement of residual scarring remaining as a result of various skin conditions, (e.g. extensive acne vulgaris).